does blair get pregnant by chuck
... is chuck the father of blair's baby? new this doesn’t necessarily mean he’s the dad because if blair’s pregnant with prince louis’ baby. Baby waldorf general information blair waldorf discovers she is pregnant. having had sex with chuck bass the seamstress inquires as to how far along blair is. ... i wanted to know if blair gets pregnant to chuck in the books? and whether she does in the tv show as well pregnancy & parenting; science.

In a thin line between chuck and nate, blair has a pregnancy scare and is wanting to get blair and louis "it takes more than even you to destroy blair waldorf.". Chuck & blair 5x03 blair tells chuck she's pregnant chuck & blair have sex in montecarlo "do that again gossip girl 5x01 blair is pregnant!. ... but is later seen telling chuck that she is pregnant with louis' baby, it is discovered that chuck paid blair's dowry to get rid of louis' family..
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