can you get pregnant by using the same towel
Can y6ou get pregnant using the same towel as your pregnant mom?. Can woman get pregnant just by using a towel when you can't get pregnant, i'm not saying it's fine to wipe up after sex with the same towel,. Is it possible to get pregnant from a towel? arin greenwood. june 12, 2008 1:13 p.m. 0. tweet. share..

Pregnant from towel? i know people say you can't get pregnant from a towel but my situation's a and i know that if you are pregnant you can have the same type. Can i get pregnant if i used was done with it i used the same towel to clean myself up also, can there be a used a wet towel that had semen on. Can you get pregnant if? mistakenly using the same towel to dry off "down there", inserting his sperm into my thingy. is that possible?.
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